Mental Health and Wellbeing

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Supporting children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health is something that we take very seriously at Lionel Walden Primary School. Poor emotional wellbeing can effect children’s ability and readiness to learn, as well as effecting social aspects of their lives.

At Lionel Walden we are fortunate enough to have two trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) in our school.  They are able to work 1:1 or in small groups with children of all age groups to support their emotional health and wellbeing. This is via a variety of different social, emotional and mental health interventions. Please see our ELSA page for more information.

There is also useful information that can be access to help and inform you of ways in which you can support your children at home. These links are accessible sources of information and a good starting point should you have any concerns or questions.