Year 5 Camping Experience


14th June 2024

Year 5 Camping Experience - Friday 14th June
Our Year 5 pupils had a busy evening despite the weather forecast and change of sleeping arrangements. They took part in fire lighting, campfire songs, making and eating S'mores and joined in with a range of team games. They especially enjoyed challenging Mr Abey at speed stacking!
Thank you to Mrs Miller and Mrs Rowlands who led our pizza making, baking and eating activity. They were delicious and enjoyed by all. 
A huge thank you to the Scouts and young leaders who led some of the activities. Also a big thank you to Mr Abey, Mrs Bayes, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Naughton and Mrs Buckle (School Governor) who gave up their Friday evening to make it happen.
Everyone had a fabulous evening as you can see from the happy smiling faces! Well done Year 5 as you were all amazing and made some huge individual achievements.