Welcome from the Chair

I am Jo Dale and I have been a governor at Lionel Walden Primary School since 2004 and Chair since September 2014.
I am a registered nurse, married to a farmer, with three daughters all of whom attended this school. I thoroughly enjoy being a governor as it is a challenging, yet very rewarding, role. With the Headteacher, the governors set the strategic direction of the school and monitor and challenge the process of the school in achieving its priorities and ensuring a high standard of education.
I regularly attend training sessions and County briefings to ensure I am well-informed of the statutory requirements involved. I feel privileged to be Chair of the School’s Governing Body and to be working with a committed team of governors and staff who are dedicated to providing a safe, caring environment in which every child can achieve their potential.
I can be contacted through the school office, should you wish to ask any questions or you can email directly to my Chair inbox.  chair@lionelwalden.cambs.sch.uk